This year, DEC put more money into the hands of those who care for our City’s youngest residents than ever before. And our investments are not only historic, they are groundbreaking. San Francisco is investing more per capita in children 0-5 than any other municipality in the country!
In FY23-24, DEC invested $266 million in grantmaking to nonprofit organizations and intercity department programs including educator compensation and professional development, early intervention, early childhood quality improvement system, Family Resource Centers, the Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation Initiative, and field capacity building.
This comprehensive investment in an early childhood system of care ensures that not only do children in San Francisco have access to affordable, high quality early care and education, they and the adults who care for them have what they need to thrive during those early years. This puts them on the path to be ready for success in kindergarten—and far beyond!
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Early Learning Tuition: $124.2M
Workforce Compensation: $44.3M
Family Resource Centers: $22.7M
New Child Care Facilities: $16.9M
Professional Development and Training: $11.1M
Cross City Department Programs: $3.2M