2025 DEC SFQC Infant/Toddler Conference
Accepting Applications Now!
DEC SFQC’s third annual conference is a two-day event designed especially for early educators working with children from birth to age 3.
We are implementing a new application process for the 2025 conference, so please make sure you note the important dates and requirements described below.

About the Conference
Over two days, you will have the opportunity to participate in sessions addressing the core needs of infants and toddlers and exploring strategies for building more meaningful relationships within early education settings.
Our hope is that you will deepen your understanding of the critical role of attachment relationships in all of our lives, connect with colleagues in San Francisco’s growing infant/toddler community, and find the inspiration to make magic happen for babies.
The conference theme—Safety in the Spaces Between—speaks to the critical role of the attachment relationship in supporting children’s emotional development and emotion regulation.
Please make sure you note these important dates and requirements.
March 3
Application period opens
March 16
7 pm
Application period closes
March 24 – April 12
Acceptance letters sent via email
You must respond by the deadline to confirm your attendance and secure your spot at the conference. If you are placed on the waitlist, you will receive further information via email.
[1] Early Learning for All or pre-Early Learning for All participants, coaches, and consultants in good standing
Friday, June 13, 10 am to Saturday, June 14, 4 pm
New for 2025! Special Topics Pre-Conference Session
We are pleased to introduce an optional special topics pre-conference session on Thursday, June 12, 12:30-4:30 pm, focusing on a specific context for understanding and integrating attachment theory.
Our 2025 special topics session is entitled “Attachment in Context: Supporting Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder” and is limited to 60 participants. The pre-conference session is only open to attendees of the regular conference and a separate registration will be required.
SFO Marriott Waterfront
1800 Old Bayshore Highway
Burlingame, CA 94010
Simultaneous Interpretation
All conference sessions will be delivered or interpreted in Cantonese, English, and Spanish, and conference materials will be provided in these languages.
Who Should Apply?
All qualified* San Francisco early childhood educators serving infants and toddlers are invited and encouraged to apply—this includes family child care educators, center-based staff, coaches, and consultants. Please note that children should not accompany attendees at the conference.
*Active San Francisco Early Learning for All (ELFA) or pre-ELFA participants, coaches, and consultants
Application Process
Registration is exclusively available for those committed to attending the entire event, as the conference content builds over two days. Space is limited.
March 3 – 16 Applications accepted
March 24 – April 12 Acceptance letters sent via email*
*You must confirm your attendance by the deadline listed in your acceptance to secure your spot at the conference. If placed on the waitlist, you will receive further information via email.
To Apply
Your conference fees, single-occupancy hotel room (June 13), meals, and parking are generously funded by the San Francisco Department of Early Childhood (DEC). There is no cost for participants to attend. In recognition of DEC’s significant investment in this event, please apply only if you meet all eligibility criteria.
Frequently Asked Questions
Center-based and family child care educators serving infants and toddlers in San Francisco are welcome and strongly encouraged to attend, as well as site managers or administrators supervising infant/toddler programs. The conference is also open to coaches and consultants supporting infant/toddler educators. Registration is limited to Early Learning San Francisco (ELS) or pre-ELS participants, coaches, and consultants in good standing.
Space is limited, and priority will be given to participants currently working with infants and toddlers.
All conference costs (fees, materials, lodging, meals, parking) are funded by the San Francisco Department of Early Childhood, so there is no cost to attendees. For this reason, and because space is limited, participants must commit to attending the entire conference. Please notify us as soon as possible if your plans change and you cannot attend.
Your hotel room will be reserved and paid for by the conference team under your name. At check-in, you will need to provide a credit card to cover incidentals. Your credit card will not be charged if you do not make any additional purchases, such as room service. For your convenience, we advise against using a debit card.
Application link: www.surveymonkey.com/r/2024sfqcitconference
No. Single-occupancy lodging is provided.
Yes, we will enter 13 hours into the Registry for participants who attend the full conference. Partial credit will not be given.
Conference hours may be used to meet the training requirement in Child Development/Learning Foundations (Early Learning San Francisco Quality Standard 8: Professional Development).
All sessions will be conducted or interpreted in Cantonese, English, Mandarin, and Spanish. Conference handouts will also be available in these languages.
Each participant must register individually, but please encourage your fellow infant/toddler educators to register!
The conference begins at 10 am on Friday, June 7 (check-in and breakfast start at 8:30) and ends at 4 pm on Saturday, June 8. The schedule includes plenary sessions; reflective breakout sessions; breakfast, lunch, and snacks daily; dinner on Friday; and Under the Sea, a magical and super fun evening networking event!
Unfortunately, no. Your family may stay with you in your hotel room, but the conference (including meals) is for registered adult attendees only.
If you are experiencing symptoms associated with potential illness, please take care of your colleagues and yourself by staying home.