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Family Resource Centers

DEC provides free parenting support and resources. It does this through Family Resource Centers (FRCs). There are 26 family resource centers all over the city.

FRCs are safe places for families to come together. FRCs improve parents’ skills and teach parents about child development. They help families find resources.

FRCs also host fun activities for parents and kids. They help families form strong parent-child relationships. They also help parents find social support.

Family Resource Centers are for everyone. Get to know San Francisco’s FRCs!

Family Support Programs

Here are a few common FRC programs. Many FRCs also have food and diaper banks. Use the FRC search tool below to find an FRC near you. Check out the family event calendar to find program dates and times.

Workshops and Classes

FRCs offer many different workshops and classes. Topics might include:

  • nutrition
  • pregnancy
  • disaster prep
  • oral health
  • asthma
  • yoga
  • managing stress
  • English
  • personal finance

Parent Education

Parent education programs help parents develop skills. You take a series of classes. You can learn how to manage challenging behavior. And you can learn how to encourage positive behavior. Some parent education programs are:

  • Triple P
  • 123 Magic
  • Abriendo Puertas


Playgroups are chances for parents and children to have fun and learn together. Children do activities that are right for their age. They develop social, physical, and reading skills. Parents learn how to help their children’s development.

Support Groups

At any phase of parenthood, support groups can help. FRCs offer support groups for parents, grandparents, and other caregivers. Find community and get advice from others. Share your challenges and celebrate your successes.

Family and Community Events

FRCs offer holiday and cultural festivities. They go on educational field trips and have other social events. Families have fun, learn together, and get to know other families.

Information and Referrals

FRCs provide information and referrals for services. They can help with housing, education, and child care. They also help with employment, domestic violence, legal services, and more. FRCs also offer developmental screenings.

Family Advocacy/Case Management

Families can get help to achieve goals related to parenting. You can get help with relationships. You can also get help with employment, housing, and health and mental health.

Find a Family Resource Center Near You

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About the Family Resource Center Initiative

The Department of Early Childhood runs the Family Resource Center Initiative. This is a network of 26 family resource centers in San Francisco.

FRCs are safe and welcoming places. They provide family services and peer support. Families go to FRCs to learn about child development and to build parenting skills.

FRCs also help families in crises. They provide resources, referrals, and case management.

The Family Resource Center Initiative supports FRCs and helps them collaborate to meet the needs of families across the city.

The Family Resource Center Initiative is funded by: