Contact Us
Reach out to DEC to learn more about our programs or ask a question. To make sure your message gets to the right person as quickly as possible, choose the department you want to reach out to below. For general inquiries, email [email protected].
Have a question about DEC’s budget or finances? Send us a message and our Finance team will get back to you shortly.
Have a question about child care, preschool access & enrollment, ECE Quality and Early Learning For All network expansion or workforce compensation? Send us a message and our Early Learning team will get back to you shortly.
Have a question about DEC’s FRC Initiative, developmental screenings, early intervention services or early childhood mental health? Send us a message and our Child & Family Well-being team will get back to you shortly.
Have a question about DEC’s data collection & analysis, advocacy, communications or parent & community engagement? Send us a message and our Evaluation, Policy & Communications team will get back to you shortly.
Have a question about DEC’s budget or finances? Send us a message and our Finance team will get back to you shortly.
Have a question about child care, preschool access & enrollment, ECE Quality and ELS network expansion or workforce compensation? Send us a message and our Early Learning team will get back to you shortly.
Have a question about DEC’s FRC Initiative, developmental screenings, early intervention services or early childhood mental health? Send us a message and our Child & Family Well-being team will get back to you shortly.
Have a question about DEC’s data collection & analysis, advocacy, communications or parent & community engagement? Send us a message and our Evaluation, Policy & Communications team will get back to you shortly.
Media Inquiries
For all media and press inquiries, please reach out to [email protected]
All San Francisco residents have the right to vital information about City programs and services regardless of their ability and preferred language. This website is designed to comply with both the City’s Digital Accessibility and Inclusion Standard as well as the Language Access Ordinance.
For requests related to digital and/or language accessibility, please email us directly at [email protected].
1650 Mission Street, Suite 312, San Francisco, CA 94103