In 2024, DEC helped make San Francisco a great place to raise a family.
Meet San Francisco’s Department of Early Childhood.
We partner with all of the adults who care for young children, so that together we can create healthier, happier, and more imaginative childhoods. And that makes the city a better place to live for us all.
Putting the pieces together so children can soar.

Parents, we're here for you.
Parenting can be hard, which is why we put parents at the center of what we do. DEC is the City department solely dedicated to our youngest children. We work to support San Francisco families by funding family services and early childhood programs. DEC is here to make it easier to raise young children in San Francisco.
Growing together in early childhood.
Early childhood educators and partners help children grow, learn, and thrive. They make our city stronger. We work together to give children and families amazing resources in our city.

News & Updates

Celebrating remarkable milestones: Read DEC’s 2024 Annual Impact Report
The Department of Early Childhood is thrilled to announce the release of our 2024 Annual Impact Report. Every year has been exciting, but this year, we are celebrating a truly

Why we’ve invested $46 million to increase early educator wages
In a city known for its innovation and commitment to progress, DEC is taking bold steps to ensure San Francisco’s future is brighter than ever! Research shows that investing in

Announcing DEC’s Innovative Communications and Community Engagement Plan to Reach Families Where They Are
We are thrilled to announce the release of the San Francisco Department of Early Childhood’s (DEC) Communications and Community Engagement Plan for 2023-2027. This plan marks a significant milestone in

Announcing Exciting Changes for Our Family Resource Center Initiative
DEC is proud to announce the commencement of a new funding cycle for our Family Resource Center Initiative! The Family Resource Center Initiative provides essential resources and support for families

The Magic Continues at DEC’s Second Infant/Toddler Conference
Over 200 early childhood educators, coaches, consultants, and advocates gathered on June 7 and 8 for San Francisco’s second infant/toddler conference, hosted by DEC and WestEd. The event was an

Data & Evaluation Services Request for Proposals is Now Open!
Calling all qualified suppliers! The Department of Early Childhood (DEC) is seeking proposals for four crucial service areas. If you have expertise in data mapping, data governance, evaluation implementation, landscape

Celebrating remarkable milestones: Read DEC’s 2024 Annual Impact Report
The Department of Early Childhood is thrilled to announce the release of our 2024 Annual Impact Report. Every year has been exciting, but this year, we are celebrating a truly

Why we’ve invested $46 million to increase early educator wages
In a city known for its innovation and commitment to progress, DEC is taking bold steps to ensure San Francisco’s future is brighter than ever! Research shows that investing in

Announcing DEC’s Innovative Communications and Community Engagement Plan to Reach Families Where They Are
We are thrilled to announce the release of the San Francisco Department of Early Childhood’s (DEC) Communications and Community Engagement Plan for 2023-2027. This plan marks a significant milestone in