News & Updates

Celebrating remarkable milestones: Read DEC’s 2024 Annual Impact Report
The Department of Early Childhood is thrilled to announce the release of our 2024 Annual Impact Report. Every year has been exciting, but this year, we are celebrating a truly

Why we’ve invested $46 million to increase early educator wages
In a city known for its innovation and commitment to progress, DEC is taking bold steps to ensure San Francisco’s future is brighter than ever! Research shows that investing in

Announcing DEC’s Innovative Communications and Community Engagement Plan to Reach Families Where They Are
We are thrilled to announce the release of the San Francisco Department of Early Childhood’s (DEC) Communications and Community Engagement Plan for 2023-2027. This plan marks a significant milestone in

Announcing Exciting Changes for Our Family Resource Center Initiative
DEC is proud to announce the commencement of a new funding cycle for our Family Resource Center Initiative! The Family Resource Center Initiative provides essential resources and support for families

The Magic Continues at DEC’s Second Infant/Toddler Conference
Over 200 early childhood educators, coaches, consultants, and advocates gathered on June 7 and 8 for San Francisco’s second infant/toddler conference, hosted by DEC and WestEd. The event was an

Data & Evaluation Services Request for Proposals is Now Open!
Calling all qualified suppliers! The Department of Early Childhood (DEC) is seeking proposals for four crucial service areas. If you have expertise in data mapping, data governance, evaluation implementation, landscape

Press Release: Mayor Breed Announces Budget Investments to Expand Early Child Care Efforts
In partnership with Supervisor Melgar, the proposed initiatives will build on the City’s groundbreaking early education and child care initiatives by expanding eligibility to moderate income families and piloting extended-hour

Press Release: Nature-filled Play Areas Coming to Child Care Sites Across San Francisco
Benefits include better mental health and creativity. SAN FRANCISCO, CA – Ten San Francisco child care centers and family child care homes have been transformed into nature-filled oases that inspire

Engaging Communities: A Blueprint for Happier, Healthier, More Imaginative Childhoods
When we launched DEC, we did so with a strategic plan that clearly lays out our mission, what we’ll do to achieve it, and why. A significant part of our

Popping-Up with the People: Bringing Information, Resources and Joy to the Bayview Pop-Up Village’s Youth Future Zone
The Pop-Up Village is a site activation project that harnesses the power of design to bring together people and programs in vibrant and thoughtfully selected public spaces. Its mission is

National Leadership through Local Action: House Speaker Emerita Nancy Pelosi and House Minority Whip Katherine Clark Look to DEC as a Model for Early Childhood Investment.
Image Description: From left to right: Jerry Yang, Executive Director, Kai Ming Head Start; Monique Guidry, Owner, Guidry Early Child Care and Education Program; Nancy Pelosi, Speaker Emerita, United States

The Power of Connection in Education: Highlights from the Attachment Innovation Challenge
Over the weekend, DEC hosted the “Attachment Innovation Challenge” in collaboration with our funded partners at WestEd. This event encouraged early educators to devise creative solutions to foster secure attachment