A Parent/child Skill-Building Group for Children ages 5 and 6. Parents and children will train together, learning how to use their superhero powers and feel safe. / 透過親子互動活動, 家長(或監護人)與 5 至 6 歲兒童齊齊學習,一起透過互動遊戲, 學習 “超能力”保護自己!!!
They will gain the following skills / 課程以粵語進行, 內容包括 :
– Identify and communicate feelings to a trusted adult / 識別情感, 並與可信任的成年人溝通
– Develop healthy coping and self-regulation skills / 發展健康的應對和自我監管能力
– Build self-esteem / 建立自尊心
– Learn how to work in a team / 學習如何在一個團隊中合作
– Build healthy communication skills / 建立健康的溝通技巧
Where / 地點 :
APA Family Support Services
10 Nottingham Pl.
San Francisco, CA 94133
When / 時間
Every Wednesday
(10 sessions)
4pm -5pm
* Snacks will be provided* / * 零食供應*
For more information, please call Weiling Zhu (415)602-5950 / 如有興趣, 請致電朱姑娘415-602-5950