Triple-P 可以幫到你!
Do you want to:
Develop positive relationship and
reduce conflict with your child?
Encourage desirable behaviors?
Resolve problematic behaviors?
Triple-P can help!
A 10-session Series for parents whose child’s age is between 2 to 12 years old
一連 10 堂. 課程適合有 2 至 12 歲學童的父母參加.
Sessions are held in Cantonese. 廣東話授課
Date 日期: Monday 逢星期一 04/01/2024 – 06/10/2024
Time 時間: 上午 10:00 am – 下午 12:00 pm
Location 地點: Via Zoom
Registration Required! Please contact 報名請聯絡: jessicaleong@gummoon.org