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有效正面家長教育之法 (Triple P, Cantonese)

2023 九月七日開課 連續十一週課程 逢星期四上午十點至下午十二點 地點: Zoom 線上視像會議 在這個課程你將會學會: 用正确的方式来處理子女不良行為 學會同子女建立一個良好的關係  用正面方式去教育子女 費用全免 完成課程 – 頒發畢業証書 報名請致電: (415) 527-7084 添加我的微信ID:tonggorgor

下午学前班亲子互动小组 (PCI,Cantonese)

A program designed for both parents and children to promote school readiness, social-emotional learning, and healthy family relationships.  A program for parents and preschool-age children.  为家长和儿童设计的一项计划,旨在促进入学准备、社会情感学习和健康的家庭关系。面向家长和学龄前儿童的计划。 Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and […]

上午学龄前亲子互动小组 (PCI, Cantonese)

A program designed for both parents and children to promote school readiness, social-emotional learning, and healthy family relationships.   该课程专为家长和儿童设计,旨在促进入学准备、社会情感学习和健康的家庭关系。 A program for parents and preschool-age children. A program for parents […]

親子互動組 – Toddler/幼儿 (PCI/ Cantonese)

A program designed for both parents and children to promote school readiness, social-emotional learning, and healthy family relationships.  A program for parents and toddlers.  该课程专为家长和儿童设计,旨在促进入学准备、社会情感学习和健康的家庭关系。针对家长和幼儿的课程。  Mondays and Wednesdays – 10:00A […]

親子互動組 – Infants/ 婴儿 (PCI/Cantonese)

A program designed for both parents and children to promote school readiness, social-emotional learning, and healthy family relationships. A program for parents and infants. 该课程专为家长和儿童设计,旨在促进入学准备、社会情感学习和健康的家庭关系。针对父母和婴儿的课程。 Tuesdays and Thursdays – 10:00A […]

⼩⼩英雄聯盟會 SuperHero (PCI, Cantonese)

亞裔家援服務處 ⼩⼩英雄聯盟會 透過親⼦⼿⼯互動活動, 家⻑(或監護⼈)與 5 ⾄ 6 歲兒童⿑⿑學習,⼀起透過互動遊戲, 學習 “超能⼒”保護⾃⼰!!!   召集所有⼩⼩英雄 ! ! ! 課程以粵語進⾏, 內容包括 : – 識別情感, 並與可信任的成年⼈溝通 – 發展健康的應對和⾃我監管能⼒ – 建⽴⾃尊⼼ – 學習如何在⼀個團隊中合作 – 建⽴健康的溝通技巧   […]

學習“1、2、3計數法” (Parent Classes, Cantonese)

幫助父母/照顧者鼓勵孩子良好行為和加強親子關係 / a workshop series to help parents/caregivers to encourage good behavior and strengthen relationships 學習“1、2、3計數法”—— 既簡單又有效的育兒策略。 本系列的目標是減少父母壓力和抑鬱 。 參加者完成課程後將獲得獎勵 。 Learn about the “1,2,3 Counting Method” – a simple […]

1-2-3 Magic (Parent Classes, Cantonese)

學習“1、2、3計數法”— 既簡單又有效的育兒策略 。本系列的目標是減少父 母壓力和抑鬱 。參加者完 成課程後將獲得獎勵 。 Learn about the “1,2,3 Counting Method” – a simple and effective parenting strategy for young children. The goal of this series is to […]

中文支援小組- Portola (Support Group, Cantonese)

我們的中文支援小組每週都會討論問題、探索育兒方式和兒童發展的主題。 提供英文翻譯。 The Chinese Support Group is a weekly space for families to learn skills, ask questions, and grow together. Group activities include discussions on a range of parenting topics, […]

中文支援小組 Excelsior (Support Group, Cantonese)

我們的中文支援小組每週都會討論問題、探索育兒方式和兒童發展的主題。 提供英文翻譯。 The Chinese Support Group is a weekly space for families to learn skills, ask questions, and grow together. Group activities include discussions on a range of parenting topics, […]