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Caregivers Support Group 家長互助組 (English and Chinese, Support Group)

APA- Excelsior 292 Ocean Avenue, San Francisco, CA, United States

Group gathering where caregivers can support and share with each other 定期小組聚會,讓家⻑們能互相認識、彼此支持、並且能分享生活點滴。   E V E R Y M O N D A Y 1 1 - 1 2 : 3 0 P M E X C E P T F I R S T W E E K O F T H E M […]

Event Series 家扶天地 (PCI, Cantonese)

家扶天地 (PCI, Cantonese)

APA Chinatown Grant Avenue, San Francisco, CA, United States

Parent-child interactive group sessions for parents and children 0-5 years to provide early literacy and school readiness. Cultivate children's creativity, learning skills, arts and crafts, and interactive play. 家中有 0-5 岁的家长齐与孩子互助互动, 提供早期识字和入学准备。培养孩子的创造力,学习技能,手工制作和游戏。 EVERY TUESDAY FROM 10 AM TO 11 AM 每周二上午 10 点至午上 11 点 LOCATION 地点 518 GRANT AVENUE SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94108 RSVP […]

Caregivers Support Group 家長互助組 (English and Chinese, Support Group)

APA- Excelsior 292 Ocean Avenue, San Francisco, CA, United States

Group gathering where caregivers can support and share with each other 定期小組聚會,讓家⻑們能互相認識、彼此支持、並且能分享生活點滴。   E V E R Y M O N D A Y 1 1 - 1 2 : 3 0 P M E X C E P T F I R S T W E E K O F T H E M […]

Event Series 家扶天地 (PCI, Cantonese)

家扶天地 (PCI, Cantonese)

APA Chinatown Grant Avenue, San Francisco, CA, United States

Parent-child interactive group sessions for parents and children 0-5 years to provide early literacy and school readiness. Cultivate children's creativity, learning skills, arts and crafts, and interactive play. 家中有 0-5 岁的家长齐与孩子互助互动, 提供早期识字和入学准备。培养孩子的创造力,学习技能,手工制作和游戏。 EVERY TUESDAY FROM 10 AM TO 11 AM 每周二上午 10 点至午上 11 点 LOCATION 地点 518 GRANT AVENUE SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94108 RSVP […]

Caregivers Support Group 家長互助組 (English and Chinese, Support Group)

APA- Excelsior 292 Ocean Avenue, San Francisco, CA, United States

Group gathering where caregivers can support and share with each other 定期小組聚會,讓家⻑們能互相認識、彼此支持、並且能分享生活點滴。   E V E R Y M O N D A Y 1 1 - 1 2 : 3 0 P M E X C E P T F I R S T W E E K O F T H E M […]