Conociendo y Amando a Nuestros Adolescentes (Parent Education, Spanish)
Acompañenos y aprenda como apoyar a sus hij@s en la transición de niñez a la adolescencia. Iniciamos: Agosto 27 a Octubre 15 Día: Martes Horario: 6:00 pm & 7:30pm CLASE […]
有效正面家長教育之法 (Triple P, Cantonese)
在這個課程你將會學會 / In this class you will: 用正确的方式来處理子女不良行為 / learn to use a positive approach to interact with your child 學會同子女建立一個良好的關係 / be given tools to help you grow confident […]
1-2-3 Magic (Cantonese, Parent Classes)
(Parents + caregiver) Friday, 10/18/2024-12/20/2024 @10:00-11:00 am: in-person at Portola: 2565 San Bruno Ave, San Francisco, CA 94134 · The 1-2-3 Magic series helps parents/caregivers strengthen their relationships with children […]
1-2-3 Magia (Parent Classes, Spanish)
Una serie de talleres para ayudar a los cuidadores a fomentar el buen comportamiento y fortalecer las relaciones Aprenda sobre el “Método de Conteo 1, 2, 3”, una estrategia de […]
Infant and Toddler Development (Parent Classes, Cantonese)
For families with children 0-3 years old / 8 sessions Parenting Classes Dates: Tuesdays, 10/1 to 11/19 Time: 10:30 am-12:00 pm Location: 922 Jackson Street, SF 94133 Contact personr: Fion […]
Triple P (English, Parent Classes)
Starting Monday October 21, 2024 | Every Monday 4-6pm RSVP by Monday October 14, 2024 OMI Family Resource Center 156 Broad St San Francisco, CA 94112 The Positive Parenting Program […]
ACT 安全家長教育班 / Against Violence (Parent Classes, Chinese)
透過這個課程,我們一同探討兒童不同的成長階段,電子媒體對孩子的成長影響,如何控制憤怒情緒, 學習正面處理衝突及正面的管教方法。/ You will learn about child development, the effects of media on your child, the effects of violence on your child’s development, how to manage anger, positive conflict resolution, […]
Superheroes / 小小英雄聯盟會 (Chinese, Parent Education)
透過親子互動活動, 家長(或監護人)與 5 至 6 歲兒童齊齊學習,一起透過互動遊戲, 學習 “超能力”保護自己!!! / A Parent/child Skill-Building Group for Children ages 5 and 6. Parents and children will train together, learning how to use their […]
親子正面教育課程 (Triple P, Cantonese)
親愛的家長們, 您是否經常在育兒過程中遇到挑戰?Triple P可以幫到您!作為廣受認可的育兒計劃,Triple P致力於幫助您建立積極的育兒方式,改善家庭關係,並提升孩子的社交技能和行為素養。 透過Triple P,您將會學得: 有效的育兒策略:學習解決常見的育兒問題,如情緒管理、建立良好的家庭規則等。 社區支持網絡:與其他家長交流經驗、分享建議,共同成長。 不要讓育兒的壓力影響到您和孩子的幸福!立即報名參加Triple P,開啟您的育兒之旅! 時間: 10:30 AM – 12:30 PM 日期: 9/12 – 12/5 (星期四, 共10課) 地點: 940 Washington St, San Francisco, CA 94108 *本次課程將會以廣東話授教 […]
Partners in Parenting Education (English and Spanish, Parent Classes)
Mondays, 11:00am-12:30pm September 16 – November 18 (8 sessions – no session October 14) 790 Folsom Street, San Francisco CA Language: English and Spanish For: parents of children 0-2 years old […]