Triple P (English)
Weekly on Tuesdays July 16th – October 8th In Person 1:30 – 3:30 p.m. Triple P gives parents simple and practical strategies to help them build strong, healthy relationships, confidently […]
CRIANZA CON CARIÑO (Parent Education, Spanish)
Si tiene hij@s de edades 0-5 años venga a aprender sobre el desarrollo de sus hij@s, como mantener una relación afectuosa, y mucho más. Todos los servicios son gratis. Se […]
Conociendo y Amando a Nuestros Adolescentes (Parent Education, Spanish)
Acompañenos y aprenda como apoyar a sus hij@s en la transición de niñez a la adolescencia. Iniciamos: Agosto 27 a Octubre 15 Día: Martes Horario: 6:00 pm & 7:30pm CLASE […]
Triple P (Parent Education, English)
IN-PERSON TRIPLE P (Positive Parenting Program) For caregivers with children ages 2-13 years Free to attend APRIL 22 – JULY 1ST MONDAYS | 10:30AM – 12:30PM LOCATION: 1757 WALLER STREET, […]
Triple P Programa de parentalidad positiva (Spanish, Parenting Class)
Semanal los Miércoles Abril 10 hasta Mayo 29 En Persona 1:30 – 3:30 p.m. Primer Piso, Cuarto de Arte Triple P – Programa de Parentalidad Positiva es un sistema de […]
Triple P (English, Parenting Classes)
Weekly on Thursdays April 11th – June 6th In Person 9:30 – 11:30 a.m. Triple P gives parents simple and practical strategies to help them build strong, healthy relationships, confidently […]
Abriendo Puertas (Parenting Classes, Spanish)
Semanal los jueves 11 de Abril al 13 de Junio 1:30 – 3:00 p.m. En persona Programa Para padres con hijos 0-5 años para empoderarte y apoyar a tu hijo […]
Triple P (Chinese, Citywide Online, Parent Class)
你是否想: 建立和諧親子關係,減少磨擦 幫助孩子養成良好習慣 解決孩子行為問題 Triple-P 可以幫到你! Do you want to: Develop positive relationship and reduce conflict with your child? Encourage desirable behaviors? Resolve problematic […]
1-2-3 Magic (Cantonese, Parent Education)
a workshop series to help parents/caregivers to encourage good behavior and strengthen relationships 幫助父母/照顧者鼓勵孩子良好行為和加強親子關係 Learn about the “1,2,3 Counting Method”- a simple and effective parentingstrategy for young children. The goal […]
SuperHeros (Parent Education, Chinese)
A parent/child skill-building group for children ages 5 and 6. Parents and children will train together, learning how to use their superhero powers and feel safe. When: 4/3/2024-6/5/2024 Every Wednesday […]