Triple P Stepping Stones (English, Parent Class)
Triple P Stepping Stones In English for San Francisco parents and guardians of children with Developmental Disabilities. This program uses the things you already say, think, feel and do in […]
1-2-3 Magic (Vietnamese, Parent Classes)
Loạt chương trình 1-2-3 Magic giúp cha mẹ/người chăm sóc củng cố mối quan hệ với trẻ em và khuyến khích hành vi tốt ở trẻ. Người chăm sóc sẽ […]
1-2-3 Magia (Parent Classes, Spanish)
Una serie de talleres para ayudar a los cuidadores a fomentar el buen comportamiento y fortalecer las relaciones Aprenda sobre el “Método de Conteo 1, 2, 3”, una estrategia de […]
Abriendo Puertas (Parenting Classes, Spanish)
Semanal los jueves 11 de Abril al 13 de Junio 1:30 – 3:00 p.m. En persona Programa Para padres con hijos 0-5 años para empoderarte y apoyar a tu hijo […]
ACT AGAINST VIOLENCE PARENTING CLASS / ACT 安全家⻑教育班 (Parent Education, English and Chinese)
You will learn about child development, the effects of media on your child, the effects of violence on your child’s development, how to manage anger, positive conflict resolution, and discipline […]
Bilingual Laotian/Thai Parenting Education Class
8 Sessions: January – February, 2024 10:30 am to 12:30 pm Wednesdays: January 3, 10, 17, 24, 31, February 7, 14, 21 Food, childcare and stipend provided Contact: Chanthanom (415) […]
Act Against Violence/ ACT 安全家⻑教育班 (Chinese/English ,Parenting Class)
You will learn about child development, the effects of media on your child, the effects of violence on your child’s development, how to manage anger, positive conflict resolution, and discipline […]
P.I.P.E (Spanish/English, Parenting Classes)
Are you a new parent? Looking for new ways to have fun with your child? Join our parenting group for infants/toddlers ages 0 to 2 years old! ¿Es usted un […]
CANAS (Conociendo a Amando a Nuestros Adolescentes) (Parent Classes, Spanish)
CANAS (Conociendo a Amando a Nuestros Adolescentes) Acompáñenos y aprenda como apoyar a sus hijos en la transición de niños a la adolescencia Los miércoles: 6 de septiembre – 6 […]
Abriendo Puertas (Parenting Classes, Spanish)
Si tienes hijos de 0-5 años, ven y conoce nuevas formas de apoyar a tus hijos para su éxito escolar, así como abogar por las necesidades de tu familia. Se […]