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Play & Glow (PCI, English)

Parent-child interactive playgroup for parents of children of 0-5. Play, learn, and grow with your community! Play & Glow is a parent-interactive group where families can come together and talk, […]

Curious Learner 好奇心思思 (Cantonese, PCI)

聚樂家庭資源中心遊戲小組 Joy Lok FRC Parent Child Playgroup Age 1 to 2 years old (1歲以上至2歲) 遊玩是孩子學習的方式 … 我們遊戲小組的目標是提供一個學習環境給孩子探索和遊玩,通過互動學習推廣兒童發展以及做好學前準備,我們鼓勵家長與孩子一起參與。 Play is a way for children to learn… Our goal for the playgroup […]

PCI Class 小朋友班 (Cantonese)

A program for new parents that focuses on areas of child development including cognitive, social/emotional, and fine/gross motor skills. Tuesdays and Fridays 10:00am-12pm 2327 Clement street San Francisco, CA94121 415-221-5783