Every year during the first week of April, communities across the nation celebrate the Week of the Young Child to honor and uplift the importance of early learning, young children, and their teachers, families, and communities. The 26 incredible Family Resource Centers (FRCs) funded by DEC’s Family Resource Center Initiative embody these values in San Francisco. So, we decided to team up with them and host a series of fantastic events right in our own neighborhoods!
As we started planning, we quickly realized that a week wouldn’t be enough. Throughout April, our FRCs organized over 40 exciting events across the city. Talk about a month full of fun and learning!
We kicked things off with a bang at La Día de Jardineria with Good Samaritan. Families gathered outdoors to enjoy soccer, hopscotch, and musical chairs. They learned about gardening, grew their own seedlings, and got creative by painting flower pots. As a community, everyone sat down together for a delicious dinner, with kids of all ages, caretakers from different generations, and child care providers sharing laughter and knowledge around the table. Plus, there were opportunities for children to win books in both English and Spanish and even get a big hug from a friendly dinosaur (check out the photo)!

On another sunny Saturday in April, we celebrated Bayview Family Day! Kids from around the neighborhood and the city came together for music, dancing, and art projects. There was face painting, tasty food, sensory play, and so much more. Some children built fantastic creations with playdough, while others practiced their drawing skills or ran around playing tag. Families of all backgrounds gathered, soaking up the community spirit and discovered the wealth of parenting resources available daily at Support for Families FRC.

As April came to a close, Gum Moon Women’s Residence, APA Family Support Services, and WuYee’s Children’s Services joined forces to host Family Fest, a vibrant block party in Chinatown. Children got a taste of Chinese culture through music, art, and an exciting lion dance. Meanwhile, parents had the opportunity to connect with the caring and professional early educators and child development specialists at Gum Moon Family Resource Center.

But that’s just the tip of the iceberg! So many wonderful celebrations took place all over San Francisco this Spring. We offered Spanish, Chinese, Tagalog, Vietnamese, Samoan, and English activities. We spent days in parks, and organized field trips to the Aquarium, the Academy of Sciences, and even the Walt Disney Museum. Through each of these events, FRCs showcased many of the amazing educational and recreational resources San Francisco offers families with children five and under as they learn,explore, and grow.
Though the Week of the Young Child may have taken us a month to celebrate, our FRCs never take a day off. They tirelessly support families year-round, hosting fun events, workshops, and classes. They offer parent education, support groups, information and referrals, family advocacy, case management, and so much more.
So why not take a moment to connect with your local Family Resource Center? Visit our FRC page to discover all the incredible services they provide. Get to know the wonderful family community near you today!