EC COAC: Past Meeting Agendas & Minutes
EC COAC Meeting Agendas & Minutes
November 20 – Agenda and Materials | Slide Deck
September 11 – Agenda and Materials | Minutes |Slide Deck
June 26 – Agenda and Materials |Minutes | Slide Deck
May 1 – Agenda and Materials | Minutes | Slide Deck
April 17 – Agenda and Materials | Minutes | Slide Deck
February 13 – Joint Session of the Children and Families Commission and EC COAC: Public Budget Hearing
Agenda and Materials | Slide Deck | Budget Submission
January 17 – Joint Session of the Children and Families Commission and EC COAC: Public Budget Hearing
Agenda and Materials | Minutes | Slide Deck
December 6 – Joint Meeting of the Children and Families Commission and EC COAC
Agenda | Minutes | Slide Deck
September 13 – Joint Meeting of the Children and Families Commission and EC COAC
Agenda | Minutes | Slide Deck
February 1 – Joint Session of the Children and Families Commission and EC COAC: Public Budget Hearing
Agenda | Minutes
CAC Meeting Agendas & Minutes
When the Office of Early Care and Education merged with First 5 San Francisco to become the Department of Early Childhood, the OECE Citizen’s Advisory Committee (CAC) evolved to become the Early Childhood Oversight and Advisory Committee. Below you can find meeting agendas and minutes from past OECE CAC meetings.